This is the debut album of Hermanos. In this album they present themselves to the public, so the album is about 2 brothers with a passion for reggaeton music. This album only contains Spanish tracks, because that's how they started.
"Back to the Roots"
Back to the Roots is all about the childhood of the brothers. They've had a though childhood, and had to grow up on the streets. That's where they got all the inspiration to create this album.
"Todo Sobre Vibras"
The third album of "the boys" is more of a feelgood record. They made it because they're feeling blessed with the life that they life right now, and just love to continue their career. They also hope to inspire kids who have a though childhood, like theirs.
"Butterfly Effect"
The Butterfly effect is Hermanos fourth album, and it's all about how thigs go in life. Everything is destined and that's where "the boys" got their inspiration to make this album. They've had a hard childhood but they believe that if you want something very bad, you'll always end up with what you deserve.

This is the first album of KANE. The cover shows a lot of colors, although the title of the album is 'Colorless'.".

This album art shows you that KANE doesn't really like to show his face. The low-poly style doesn't show any facial expressions. KANE is a bit shy, but once he gets into his artist persona, he feels a lot better.

In this album KANE talks about more political news that is going on. He talks about racism, police brutality etc. The art is totally black and white and the font color is always the opposite of the background.

You can recognise KANE's glasses in this album art. The lens is cut out. The vinyl plate looks like an eye. This represents the eye of KANE. He made this album when he lost his grandparents.

"One More"
One More is an album about Mia’s relationship. Mia and her boyfriend are partners for almost 5 years and now she is moving to the USA. Her boyfriend can’t come with her, so they see this as their last challenge in their relationship. ‘One More’ stands for that last challenge. One more and they’re destined together forever.

"No More"
The moving to the USA was harder for their relationship then they thought. After several months, they broke up. Their break-up brought a lot of pain, but also a lot of inspiration. This album is about that pain. ‘No More’ is a representation for her future. She wants no more relationships so she can focus on her carrier.

"Or More"
Or more is an album about her future. After she discovered that there is a possibility that she could fall in love again and maintain her carrier at the same time, she is open to whatever her destiny leads her to. This album is created after the problems in the USA around the gun-law. She saw the people’s reactions and remembered her time in Puerto Rico. She decided to make an album which brings the people’s feeling and Old-school reggaeton together.

"I Am Mia Moreno"
This album is a complication of Mia’s favorite and best hits. With every song comes commentary so Mia can explain to you what her favorite and most personal songs mean to her.

"Deniz Amado"
een come up van de artiest zelf, daarom bevat deze album geen titel maar enkel zijn artiestennaam. De album gaat daarom ook vooral over zijn "eigen". Hierin vertelt hij wie hij is maar ook vooral zijn doelen en motivatie. Hoe hij stap voor stap hier geraakt is. Natuurlijk vergeet hij zijn afkomst niet en blijf vooral in jezelf geloven!

Courage betekent moed. Deze album gaat vooral over een dierbaar persoon, namelijk zijn vader dat hij heeft moeten loslaten maar eigenlijk niet wilt. De quote "uit het oog maar niet uit het hart" past dan hier heel dan goed bij. Hij komt er sterker door uit, probeert te genieten van zijn tijd en hoopt op een dag toch nog terug samen te zijn met zijn vader.

"Istanbul x Calella"
Dit is vooral een mixed album met aandacht naar de twee steden toe. De één waar hij geboren en de ander waar hij opgegroeid is. Beide steden maken een onderdeel van hem en hij heeft er veel liefde voor. Hij toont hierin ook dat je nooit mag vergeten vanwaar je komt en hoe je komt.

Vazgecme betekent in het Turks "geef niet op". Het past perfect bij zijn karakter, omdat hij echt een doorzetter en een optimistisch persoon is. De ketting met het oog staat voor "nazar" of amulet. Dit beschermt u van de "boze oog" en is een Helleens volksgeloof die vooral in het Midden-Oosten voorkomt.